Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Why Blog

Assalam Alaikum (Peace be unto you)

Why a public blog ? I could use a private blog where I can articulate and review my thoughts.
What does a public blog offer?

Maybe I'll google it.


At Wed May 24, 11:35:00 p.m. EDT, Blogger Asmaa said...

Walaikum assalaam.

I could go on about the blogging experience, but I think you'll discover it for yourself.

"MTR" hahaha. Google THAT.

At Fri Nov 24, 10:09:00 a.m. EST, Blogger Humairah Irfan said...

So did u find out?

At Sun Dec 10, 04:27:00 p.m. EST, Blogger Asmaa said...

he never found out.

At Fri Dec 29, 10:12:00 p.m. EST, Blogger MTR said...

Can't be bothered looking it up...

I'll just blog for now, or try to


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